
Részletes keresés

GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2007.11.05 0 0 6414

Sounds like it's (rent) cheaper out in the boonies. When you factor in the utility bills, I guess it could easily amount to about 350.00 a month or so.

And you have not even bought a loaf of bread...

Előzmény: Animacs1 (6412)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.11.03 0 0 6413
I've just been reading these comments again, and  I remembered something from a book. Szerb Antal's The Pendragon legend. There is a situation like this, when the hero says to a British guy that he is Hungarian, and the British says there is no such country and language, these were made up by novelists....
Előzmény: Deep Down (6387)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.11.02 0 0 6412

it depends on a lot of Redditch, where I lived before, the average cost for a one bedroom apartment was about 375. Up here you can find one for about 250 as well.


and a one bedroom apartment means two rooms, a bedroom, and a living room. The latter is not considered to be a bedroom. If you want one in which there really is only one room, it is called a studio.


anyway, check this:, it collects all the properties to let out or to sell.

Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6411)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2007.11.02 0 0 6411

How much does it cost to rent a 1 bedroom apartment in your part of the world these days?

Előzmény: Animacs1 (6410)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.10.31 0 0 6410
In the UK. why are you confused? I used to go to this club, when I lived at home:)
Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6409)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2007.10.30 0 0 6409

You got me confused. Where are you? In the UK or Hungary?


Előzmény: Animacs1 (6404)
gólyafészek Creative Commons License 2007.10.30 0 0 6408
I was in the E Club yesterday. They are not Mormons. This Club started in 1984 (if I remember well). There are members from abroad too, but yesterday we all were Hungarians. I liked it very much. :)
Előzmény: Animacs1 (6404)
gólyafészek Creative Commons License 2007.10.30 0 0 6407
identicalmcqc has useful information about it. Thank you identicalmcqc! :)
Előzmény: Eyesight (6403)
gólyafészek Creative Commons License 2007.10.30 0 0 6406
Unfortunatelly I have no information about other English Clubs :(. But! Budapest is big enough, I think you'll find one. I'll ask the members of this Club about it.
Előzmény: Eyesight (6403)
identicalmcqc Creative Commons License 2007.10.29 0 0 6405
Sure there are. E.g. on Pesti út in 17th district. I can investigate if you like but I guess if you just open up a Pesti Est, you'll find some there, as well.
Előzmény: Eyesight (6403)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.10.29 0 0 6404

And are these the Mormons? Because I used to go to their English lessons, (and loved it), and this sounds very much like them. For free, just to talk about anything, every week for about 2 hours, or as long as you wanted to be there.

There were several levels, beginners, intermediate and advanced originally, then sometimes people just didn't show up, so the groups merged:)

But we played games, told stories, had fun. And don't worry, they are not going to try to convert you.

Előzmény: gólyafészek (6402)
Eyesight Creative Commons License 2007.10.29 0 0 6403
That sounds good. Is there any club like this in Budapest? English, or in German?
Előzmény: gólyafészek (6402)
gólyafészek Creative Commons License 2007.10.28 0 0 6402
Check this if you want to use English in the real life. :)

English Club, Székesfehérvár, House of Friendship (FMMK), once per two weeks:

Attendance is free of charge
Next session @19.00 CET on Monday, Oct 29h
communication only in English
you cannot turn anyone down
Nothing special/official. Just talk to each other on any subject which comes up
Anybody may attend regardless his/her level of E command
No obligations except for keeping the 2 rules above. Within the timeframe (7-9 p.m.) you may come and go whenever you want. We have members who never show up before 8. Others sometimes just drop in for 10-20 minutes
This unfortunately means if you get to the Club by 7, it may happen that you need to wait half an hour before somebody else shows up
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.10.27 0 0 6401

Eating isn't. Well, it depends where you go to shop, but you can find things for even less than at home...And clothes as well.

Studying, I don't really know, I've never studied here. Although universities are expensive, I know. The fees I saw were about 8-10000 a year. And people may not even earn that much....(if you are on the minimal wage, you won't.)


Travelling.....ask them...Especially travelling by train is very expensive. And it depends on the company as well. Just an example: Where I lived, Redditch, is 40 minutes from Birmingham by train. I paid around 4 pounds for a return ticket. Then I went down to Guilford to visit my friend. Guilford is the same distance from London than Redditch from Birmingham. And I paid 18!!! pounds for the return ticket....Because a different company operates the trains there.

Előzmény: Eyesight (6400)
Eyesight Creative Commons License 2007.10.26 0 0 6400

I heard, that it takes a year if you want to see many things in the capital. So it would be enough for a while:))) Why is travelling, eating, and studying is the most expensive? These are the main part of living...

Előzmény: Animacs1 (6399)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.10.26 0 0 6399

Although travelling here is really expensive...and the trains are often late or cancelled, or packed. It cost me more to visit my brother in the North from the Birmingham area and go back than to go home to Hungary...

If you go to London, visit the surrounding areas.


Előzmény: Eyesight (6398)
Eyesight Creative Commons License 2007.10.26 0 0 6398

"and the United Kingdom doesn't consist of only London"


I know, but the aim is the capital, of course. It would be nice, at the weekends-once in a month-to visit the other parts of England.

Előzmény: Animacs1 (6386)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.10.25 0 0 6397

no, these are qualified teachers...I mean those who are registered with the agency.

The classroom assistants do not necessarily have a teaching degree, although some of them do, like me. I could teach but because I haven't seen what a normal lesson is like in a normal school, I don't want to.

The classroom assistants help the teachers, e.g. deal with the special needs students, help with the photocopying, etc.

Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6396)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2007.10.25 0 0 6396
Ok, I see.  It's like a journeyman of teachers.  
Előzmény: Animacs1 (6395)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.10.25 0 0 6395

yes, but it's called supply teacher here:))


There are several agencies in this country, all specializing in different jobs. It means that you are registered with them, so they employ you, but you work as self-employed. If a school needs a teacher or a teaching assistant (classroom assistant or learning support assistant: people helping the teacher in the classroom - it doesn't exist at home), because for example somebody called in sick, then the agency calls its people to see if they are free, and can go there. I can say no anytime. And they can't always give work.

So, I am not employed by any of the schools, but the agency, and my places of work vary. At the moment it is half term holiday (őszi szünet), but from Monday I am going back to where I worked before the holiday, but only for two weeks.  However, it can happen that I go back to the same place later, when I come back from my holiday.

Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6393)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2007.10.25 0 0 6394
Did you mean substitute teacher?
Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6393)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2007.10.25 0 0 6393
What's a supply teacher?
Előzmény: Animacs1 (6392)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.10.25 0 0 6392

I work through an agency specializing in supply teachers. They send me to variouss schools throughout the county.

At present I'm working as a learning support assistant with autistic adults.

Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6391)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2007.10.25 0 0 6391
What do you do now?
Előzmény: Animacs1 (6390)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.10.25 0 0 6390

I didn't want to learn the swear words....I worked in a nursing home where the residents had mental problems as well...Now I work with autistic people, so they are not the most polite ones either...Those who speak, that is...:)

I never use those swear words, I hate swearing..

I've got a degree in English language, so I read a lot as well:) I have never gone to school here, except for the usual trainings at the workplace. But that doesn't count. It wasn't the language we learnt there. Never watched TV though:) I don't like it.

I enjoyed learning English as well, after all that's why I became an English teacher:))


Előzmény: Deep Down (6389)
Deep Down Creative Commons License 2007.10.25 0 0 6389

I was in Wales and I hardly know any swear words (quite embarrasing sometimes ;) ).

I read an awful lot of books and I watched tv, I went to school and I've always done my homework and above all I really enjoyed the language.


Congratulations for your English. :)

Előzmény: Animacs1 (6388)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.10.25 0 0 6388

I personally have learnt only slang and swear depends on what level you are as well.

My English was good when I came. So there wasn't anything to learn. Except for the slang and swear words....and some special words, but I had known them, only not necessarily in that particular sense.

Előzmény: Deep Down (6387)
Deep Down Creative Commons License 2007.10.25 0 0 6387

improves your English- this is something I am not so sure about.. ;o)

Why not?

Of course it depends on whether you want to improve or not. I met a lot of chinese people who went to the language school but otherwise they just hung out with each other and spoke Chinese. They could have done that in China. There was no point for them to come to the UK apart from the advanture.


You know, it happened that I was reading one of my hungarian english books and someone came there, read on a bit and laughed at it because nobody ever speaks like that. That's what I learnt here as english. What can I say - brilliant... :-/

Előzmény: identicalmcqc (6385)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.10.24 0 0 6386

It IS worth living here. Or not:) Depends on many many things.

Culture: be prepared for a lot of things that are worse here than people at home think. For example, the standard of services (repairs), and the state of the houses...

Language: depends on even more things, your present knowledge, the people you mix with, how much English they know (they could be foreigners as well), how much you use the language there, etc.

and the United Kingdom doesn't consist of only London.


identicalmcqc Creative Commons License 2007.10.24 0 0 6385

 I think it worth it,


As far as I cna see, it definately improved your English...

It improves your vocabulary-agree (see my comment)

different culture - agree (see my comment)

improves your English- this is something I am not so sure about.. ;o)

Előzmény: Deep Down (6383)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!