
Részletes keresés

Eyesight Creative Commons License 2007.10.23 0 0 6384
I am very courios about the country, because I've read a lot of opinions of it. To tell the truth, sg says me to go there, 'cause I have to see those famous buildings, parks, environment...etc. It's not enough to learn about it. But I know exactly, it's not easy. There will be so many blocks, but you are nothing without english knowledge, am I right?
Deep Down Creative Commons License 2007.10.23 0 0 6383
To answer the original question: I think it worth it, but of course you have to decide yourself whether it worth it for you.
Előzmény: Deep Down (6382)
Deep Down Creative Commons License 2007.10.23 0 0 6382

I don't agree. It's a completely different culture. I did learn a lot. And the language too - how much you improve your english depends on you. Whatever you do, you will have a wider vocabulary and if you make the effort you can go for... well, whatever your aim is. :) Every month I spent in the UK made a difference.


as everyday people use language as a communication channel

What do not "everyday people" use a language FOR? Come on, it's a language! :)



Előzmény: identicalmcqc (6381)
identicalmcqc Creative Commons License 2007.10.23 0 0 6381

I believe it is always the same answer: It depends... Of course, you can gain alot of experience living somewhere else. Almost the same amount as if you lived at the same place where you lived so far but did something different for a change.

I do not think you can improve your grammar a lot as everyday people use language as a communication channel and do not care for grammar. You can learn a lot of everyday expressions that are not so common in language books and learn how people at other places live and what problems they have which is also something called experience..

Előzmény: Eyesight (6380)
Eyesight Creative Commons License 2007.10.23 0 0 6380
Hi. I've just found this topic. I want to ask, is it useful to live abroad for years (England)? how are things going in another country? better or worse? or just years are going and nothing is developing? Next year me and one of my friends wanna live there and work in a hotel or sg else, but not as an au-pair. I need experiences from London. thx a lot.
abrahamka Creative Commons License 2007.10.22 0 0 6379
Thank you, I am more than thankful.
Előzmény: Animacs1 (6378)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.10.21 0 0 6378

v., To harden one's position in the face of an unyielding yet inferior argument.


és neked is: indirect speech, szóval ....what it means.

Előzmény: abrahamka (6377)
abrahamka Creative Commons License 2007.10.21 0 0 6377

Is there anybody to tell me, what does it mean: "excalating"
Takoca_ Creative Commons License 2007.09.23 0 0 6376
Thank You!!
Előzmény: Animacs1 (6375)
Animacs1 Creative Commons License 2007.09.23 0 0 6375

az első mondatod helyesen: I would like to know what it means, mert függő beszéd, egyenes szórend kell.


As seasons roll on by: ahogy múlnak az évszakok.

Előzmény: Takoca_ (6374)
Takoca_ Creative Commons License 2007.09.22 0 0 6374

I would like to know what does it mean:

"As seasons roll on by"

the full verse:

"And Im lost, behind
Words Ill never find
And Im left behind
As seasons roll on by"
jungfrau Creative Commons License 2007.09.05 0 0 6373
alienleader :)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2007.08.06 0 0 6372

I guess the word is spreading about his show like wildfire. Specially after he helped kill the D. port deal and the amnesty bill for illegals. I am not surprised when active duty guys call in on his show and say how much they like listening to him.



Előzmény: the real jabberwocky (6371)
the real jabberwocky Creative Commons License 2007.08.06 0 0 6371

"Where have you been all this time?" I've been here all along but one must set certain priorities. Let's face it - this topic is about as interesting like finding out what Rumsfield does in his spare time. Or Bill Clinton, for that matter...


"On maternity leave or what ? :)"  Now that was really funny.


"you don't get stabbed in the back"  Oh, don't worry about my back there are easy ways to avoid thinking about it besides "agykontroll":)

I think there are a lot more (and bigger) jackasses around that you could possibly think of but I don't waste time plastering the Internet with their names:)


I heard about Michael Savage but I didn't get the chance so far. I have much more reading material that I can handle already. Mind you there must be some catchier way to sell him than comparing to Oprah, whom by the way I cannot stand. Maybe the fact that I am not a desperate housewife has something to do with it:)


"He's known for being very outspoken and a harsh critic of the current establishment someone who's not afraid to tell right from wrong, not right from left."

Sounds like a real politician. BTW talk is cheap:)


"Keep your head low and stay out of trouble."

Now that's probably the hardest thing to do but I think I'll manage. Thanks for the advice, though:)



Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6370)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2007.08.06 0 0 6370

Where have you been all this time?  On maternity leave or what ? :)

Hey, as long as you get paid and your check does not bounce....just make sure you look over your shoulder frequently so you don't get stabbed in the back :) ... I mean both physically and financially...About your boss (W), I think he's real a jackass.


Do you have access to Michael Savage on the air or on the web?

You might want to listen to him if you got some time to burn. He's one of the hottest (conservative) talk show hosts, syndicated across the country. And he's better than Oprah Winfrey. :) He's known for being very outspoken and a harsh critic of the current establishment someone who's not afraid to tell right from wrong, not right from left. :) Take a listen, it'll be worth your while.  Keep your head low and stay out of trouble.

applex Creative Commons License 2007.07.28 0 0 6369
Song Title: "A Dream That Only I Can Know" - Jen Mahoney
applex Creative Commons License 2007.07.28 0 0 6368
I have already tried google, but I haven't found anything.
Előzmény: Tralfamador Zog (6367)
Tralfamador Zog Creative Commons License 2007.07.28 0 0 6367
google > lyrics > ...
Előzmény: applex (6365)
the real jabberwocky Creative Commons License 2007.07.27 0 0 6366

Well, it doesn't really work that way - it is just a tad bit more complicated...

Trust me, I do occasional check ups and not just on ˝the guy I work for˝:)))

Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6360)
applex Creative Commons License 2007.07.27 0 0 6365
I need some help. Last week I saw the film Yesterday's children.I like its theme song very much. The problem is that I do not understand all the words. If someone has the lyrics, would he/she send me the lyrics? I f you don't have the song , I can send it to you as a wma file. Thanks a lot.
14-69 páncélvonat Creative Commons License 2007.06.13 0 0 6364

how would you say in Hungarian "wlecome drink"?


Vendégváró ?

Előzmény: wawabagus (6349)
digicat Creative Commons License 2007.05.27 0 0 6363
That's not PC :-p
Előzmény: Tralfamador Zog (6361)
Tralfamador Zog Creative Commons License 2007.05.24 0 0 6362
du = do  , sorry
Előzmény: Tralfamador Zog (6361)
Tralfamador Zog Creative Commons License 2007.05.24 0 0 6361
what du you think about "Istenhozott-ital" ?
Előzmény: digicat (6358)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2007.05.11 0 0 6360
Hi there, I don't know if you read my message or not but if you still work for the same guy, you might want to cash all your paychecks laying around. He vetoed the last bill that had some strings attached (pullout date set) and he is not about to agree with Nancy Pelosi although the last I heard he has somewhat softened his stance on the issue (because he FINALLY realized that he is losing support among his rubber stamping followers on the hill. Good for him, let him learn a lesson. No blank check for him just because it's his way or the highway. :) So you better make sure that you get paid before they run out of funds and all you get is IOUs. :)
Előzmény: the real jabberwocky (6355)
wawabagus Creative Commons License 2007.05.11 0 0 6359

I think I will say "köszöntő ital". It sounds good :-D!

Thanks a lot for your help :-)!


digicat Creative Commons License 2007.05.11 0 0 6358
"Ajándék ital" isn't quite good, because it's not a simple free drink, and you don't get it because you've chosen a package or stg else. The accent is not on free, but on the fact that you get it when you arrive somewhere.
The welcome drink is a nice gesture you get when you arrive or check in to feel comfortable, or to spend the time during check in.
Usually it is used as "welcome drink" in hungarian too, it's not translated.
Előzmény: the real jabberwocky (6355)
the real jabberwocky Creative Commons License 2007.05.11 0 0 6357

Sir or Madam it is...

Előzmény: StAugustine30 (6356)
StAugustine30 Creative Commons License 2007.05.11 0 0 6356
Smart thinking, congratulations! Finally someone got it... :) Of course, how in the world could we make a difference in English, except saying Your Highness or Your Majesty, Madam or Sir…? Hihihi… That's funny!
Előzmény: Deep Down (6354)
the real jabberwocky Creative Commons License 2007.05.11 0 0 6355

Szvsz lehet ugy forditani szabadon, hogy "ajandek ital", mert arrol szol a dolog, hogy a tulaj megajandekoz egy ingyen itallal halabol azert, mert az o csomagjat valasztottad. Meg aztan az üdvözlő ital eleg furan hangzik magyarul, szerintem egyaltalan nem bevett dolog - legalabbis még nem. Raadasul ez is egy kicsit a sales pitch resze, tehat a hangsuly azon van, hogy nem kell erte fizetni.

Előzmény: Deep Down (6351)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!