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Waagal - Somārudrā || Throatsinging Sitar Live Looping Vedic Sanskrit - YouTube


"Somārudrā" is an adaptation of the 74th hymn of 6th Mandala from Rig Veda. The Rig Veda is a collection of sacred hymns from ancient India composed in Vedic Sanskrit. It is one of the four great canonical texts of Hinduism known as the Vedas. It is one of the oldest existing texts in the Indo-European language. According to Indologists, philologists and linguists, it was written between 1500 and 900 BC. The Vedic people who spoke this language lived 3,500 years ago (1500 BC). This song is based on two 7/4 frame drum loop (with two different subdivisions), with throatsinging and sitar. It's also the third part of a polyrhythmic throatsinging triptych. I humbly try to pronounce this language to the best I can, with months of studying phonology and phonetic of Vedic Sanskrit. It's far from perfect, but here's my attempt with all respect and awe to the Vedic culture.