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Dead hand of the immovable Glazers keeps strangling Manchester United


“Nothing changed since I left,” observed Cristiano Ronaldo of his return to Manchester United in 2021. “The pool, the jacuzzi, even the gym. I thought I would see new technology, new infrastructure. I saw things I saw when I was 20.”


The former chief executive David Gill remembers that the Old Trafford roof was leaking a decade ago, but because the club were champions no one noticed.


Manchester United failed to fix Old Trafford roof despite knowledge of leaks


While it is understood United accept there are faults in the stadium covering that allowed rain to get through on Sunday and previous occasions, the club deny that the large cascade of water pouring from the south-west corner at the Stretford End was due to a leak in the roof. Instead this was because of the huge volume of precipitation that fell which entered a siphonic roof drainage system and caused this to overflow.

In the two hours after the final whistle was blown at around 6.20pm a total of 41mm of rain fell, 25mm of which occurred in the opening half hour. This is 29mm more than all of the corresponding month of last year and close to the national average rainfall for May.

It is thought that while United have examined the feasibility of replacing the roof and this remains an option it would be a multimillion-pound cost with sizeable operational considerations.


Nekem a why not both meme jut eszembe, lehetne bajnokcsapat is és Old Trafford felújítás is. Kezdetnek stabil top4 csapat és teljesen új orvosi, erőnléti stáb, edzés infrastruktúra, új CEO és új sportigazgató már biztos. Úgy emlékszem Ratcliffe pénzéből valamennyi felújításra van elkülönítve:


The deal, which was agreed on Christmas Eve, also includes $300m (£237m) for future investment in the club's Old Trafford stadium.


Ha a távlati cél egy új 90 ezres stadion (Ratcliffe úgy emlékszem mondta kellene északra egy Wembley párja szintű stadion), akkor nincs értelme most 200 milliót a meglévőre költeni, viszont újat csak kormányzati támogatással építene, amihez Anglia EB, VB rendezés kellene.